Published Wednesday, February 22, 2006 by hmk.
In this second part of an interview, Olenka Hand (Schoenstatt Youth Girls, Austin, TX), shares about her experience in the Original Shrine and the Schoenstatt Youth Festival. Interview was taped, Jan 1st, 2006 in Schoenstatt, Germany.
Ver la entrevista con subtítulos en españolEn la segunda parte de esta entrevista, Olenka Hand de la Juventud Femenina de Schoenstatt de Austin, TX, comparte sobre su experiencia en el Santuario Original en Schoenstatt y sobre el Festival de la Juventud en Schoenstatt, (Agosto, 2005)
Entrevista Grabada el 1ro de Enero, 2006.
Published Friday, February 17, 2006 by hmk.
Birgit Maier befragt Schwester M. Berngit, Metternich, über die neue Enzyklika und wie man sie konkret umsetzen kann.
Published Wednesday, February 15, 2006 by hmk.
Interview mit Schwester Ingrid-Maria, Wien, über die neue Enzyklika.
Das Interview führte Birgit Maier, Wuppertal, im Rahmen des Presse-Seminars.
Published Monday, February 13, 2006 by hmk.
no tan serio....
not too serious...
nicht zu Ernst zu nehmen... Es wurde hart, unermüdlich und bis in die Nacht gearbeitet, stillschweigend und hochkonzentriert!
Published Sunday, February 05, 2006 by hmk.
Viva la Mater! Bendición del Santuario de San Fernando, Chile, 12 de noviembre de 2005
Short video of the blessing of the Shrine in San Fernando, Chile, Novemeber 12, 2005
Kurzvideo von der Einweihung des Heiligtums in San Fernando, Chile, 12. November 2005
Video: Paula Ilabaca, Chile
Published Thursday, February 02, 2006 by hmk.
In this interview, Olenka Hand, from the Schoenstatt Girls (Austin, TX, USA) talks about the importance of Mary in the Church and about her life experiences with Mary.
Have a blessed feast of the Presentation of the Lord!